Rannoch Community Trust are undertaking an exciting project to develop the former Perth & Kinross Council Outdoor Centre located at the heart of the Rannoch Community.
The vision is to develop a multi use community space which will become a focal point for community life in the area.
Scottish Land Fund Award – £134,660
In September 2020, RCT were awarded £75,000 to purchase the former council premesis under an asset transfer agreement. The remainder of the award was to cover legal expenses involved and undertake essential repairs.
Asset Transfer – Completed 8th July 2021
The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic delayed the legal transfer of the building from Perth & Kinross Council to Rannoch Community Trust. The Community Asset Transfer was formally finalised on 8th July 2021 when RCT becam the legal owners of the site & buildings.
RCT would like to express our thanks to Perth & Kinross Council and all their teams involved, for their efforts in supporting the community of Rannoch during the process to purchase the Hub.
The delays caused by Covid-19 has not stopped RCT developing the project and designing a building suitable for the community’s current needs and ensuring it has a sustainable future.
RCT are continuing to work towards securing additional funding in order to deliver the project to the very best standards.